FileIO(mDescribe) -- Factory: FileIO ID:1020 --FileIO, Tool, 1.5.0 , 31mar92 --© 1989-1992 MacroMind, Inc. --by John Thompson and Al McNeil --------------------------------------------------------------------- --------------------------------------------------------------------- --=METHODS=-- -- ISS mNew, mode, fileNameOrType --Creates a new instance of the XObject. -- Mode can be : -- "read" - Read "fileName" -- "?read" - Select and Read "fileType" -- "write" - Write "fileName" -- "?write" - Select and Write "fileName" -- "append" - Append "fileName" -- "?append" - Select and Append "fileName" -- FileType for ?read can be : -- "TEXT" - standard file type -- "trak" - cd track type -- etc... - Any four character combination. -- X mDispose --Disposes of XObject instance. S mName --Returns the name of the XObject. II mWriteChar, charNum --Writes a single character. Returns error code. IS mWriteString, string --Writes out a string of chars. Returns error code. I mReadChar --Returns a single character. S mReadWord --Returns the next word of an input file. S mReadLine --Returns the next line of an input file. S mReadFile --Returns the remainder of the file. -- SSS mReadToken, breakString, skipString -- --breakstring designates character (or token) that signals to stop reading. -- --skipstring designates what characters (or tokens) not to read. I mGetPosition --Returns the file position. II mSetPosition, newPos --Sets the file position. Returns error code. I mGetLength --Returns the number of chars in the file. ISS mSetFinderInfo, typeString, creatorString --Sets the finder info. Returns error code. S mGetFinderInfo --Gets the finder info. S mFileName --Returns the name of the file. I mDelete --Delete the file and dispose of me. I mStatus --Returns result code of the last file io activity -- SI +mError, errorCode --Returns error message string. -- Possible error codes: -- -33 :: File directory full -- -34 :: Volume full -- -35 :: Volume not found -- -36 :: I/O Error -- -37 :: Bad file name -- -38 :: File not open -- -42 :: Too many files open -- -43 :: File not found -- -56 :: No such drive -- -65 :: No disk in drive -- -120 :: Directory not found V mReadPICT ---- showXlib -- XLibraries: -- "*Standard.xlib" -- XObject: FileIO Id:1020 -- XObject: SerialPort Id:200 -- XObject: XCMDGlue Id:2020